I took a Managerial Assessment Proficiency (MAP) last Wednesday and Thursday together with my counterparts in other branches. It was an evaluation on how far we are with regards to managing our job and our people. I was disappointed when I saw my overall result. At 29% overall proficiency, I fell short of my own standard. Until I heard from a co-worker that I was the top of the class. I got so damn high in Time Management, which drives me crazy since I have always been time conscious and I follow my time table, all the time.
I have always been a competitive person. But the problem lies in the fact that I compete with my own self rather with my contemporaries. I try to beat my own standard than compare my accomplishments with others. I have always been power-driven, as evidenced in my TMJ Disease (a.k.a grinding-of-teeth) which developed in my college years. The TMJ Disease manifests more on yuppies (like me) who are always stressed out even on the littliest things in life in quest of perfection.
I believe that I have slowed down a bit in the past few years. I have come to accept imperfections and have learned to embrace living. Atleast now, I don't have to count sheep just to get to sleep or rush every minute (ok ok, sometimes i still do) to get everything done.
Yesterday I got to see the movie Click starring Adam Sandler. I cried to death realizing how much the story is close to mine. Hard-driven people tend to focus on goals which are mostly worldy, and realize their mistakes when it's already too late. I don't want to reach that realization. As early as I can, I am teaching myself to go slow, and cherish each moment God has given me.
Ergo, thanks for that MAP. It has shown me where I currently stand, to know how much I need to improve to be a better person.
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