Friday, September 22, 2006

Dead or Alive (DOA)

My kid J has been on "vacation" since last Wednesday since their teachers are on retreat. Meaning, it's a night-out for me too since I can afford to stay late and wake up late hehehe.

Last night, Honey A and I went to Greenbelt 3 (that's the only place I'm comfortable with next to Powerplant Mall). I chose to watch a movie and it was only DOA (Dead Or Alive) which I think we would both appreciate. Since we came an hour earlier, we had to grab some food first in the nearby fastfood Wrapwich. My last meal (which was a cup of oatmeal) was at 4pm and I felt famished.

Dead or Alive is a fast-faced action/adventure movie. I enjoyed most the curves of the women. Just like Lara Croft, her sexiness added oomph to the moves. I have read that DOA is actually a video game. No wonder, the choreography was done in a different taste. Though over-all, it was much worthy of seeing it than any Tagalog movie hehehe.

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